User Guide

ARTS PDF Split Pro™ Guide
Splitting Methods
3. Splitting Methods
ARTS PDF Split Pro™ can split PDFs into smaller PDF files (or fragments) using a number of
different methods. ARTS PDF Split Pro™ can split PDFs by bookmarks, by control file
, by file size,
into single pages and by coordinate file. These splitting methods are explained in detail below.
3.1. Split by Bookmarks
This method will split a PDF file by its bookmarks. Each page that is bookmarked will be
the start of a new fragment, and the title of the bookmark will be used as the name of
the file.
All subsequent pages are added to that fragment, stopping at the next bookmarked
page. You will be given a chance to choose the level of bookmarks to use. Top-level
bookmarks are level 1.
You can Split By Bookmarks using either of the following ARTS PDF Split Pro™
3.2. Split by Control File
This method will split a PDF file as specified in a pre-defined control file. A control file is
a text file that specifies which pages will be split from the document, and the names of
each PDF file that will be split from the document.
An example of this is:
12 introduction.pdf
23-29 chapter3.pdf
80 conclusion.pdf
Using the above control file page 12 will be split and named introduction.pdf, pages 23
to 29 will be split and named chapter3.pdf and page 80 will be named conclusion.pdf. An
error will occur if the page number specified is out of range. To avoid such errors, put
ARTS PDF Split Pro™ in silent mode.
With control files you also have the option to specify full pathnames.
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