User's Manual

Table Of Contents Scrolling Presets by Name, Favorite, Type, or
Designer, or randomly
The default order is by Name of preset, in alphabetical order. The up/down arrows will scroll
through the list as displayed. You can change the order of the list in several ways:
Click on the heart icon to put your favorite presets at the top of the list.
Click on the upward pointing triangle of the NAME column heading to reverse the
alphabetical order (from Z to A).
Click on the TYPE column header to sort the list by type
(arpeggio>atmosphere>bass line, etc.)
Click on the = column header to select DESIGNER or BANK mode to sort by those.
This is only a brief explanation of the preset browser. For details see Chapter 10.
2.2.3. JUP-8 V4 menu (top left corner of app window)
In Chapter 2 [p.5], we already used this dropdown menu to access the Audio Settings for
the JUP-8 V4. Most of the other commands in this menu involve presets and are already
familiar to most users (Save, Save As, Import, Export). These functions are covered in detail
in Chapter 10 [p.79] but deserve a quick look here. Saving presets from the JUP-8 V4 Master Menu
The Master Menu contains a few shortcuts regarding presets:
Save Preset saves the current state of the JUP-8 V4 as a User patch with the current name.
If you are editing a factory preset, you must first Save Preset As… using a different name.
Names can be up to 32 characters long. If you want to start from scratch, select New
11 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Quick Start: How to play JUP-8 V4 Presets