User's Manual

Table Of Contents
If you have an AZERTY keyboard, the layout goes like this:
Letter Q Z S E D F T G Y H U J K O L
Note C C# D Eb E F F# G Ab A Bb B C C# D
To shift the AZERTY playing range up an octave: Press the letter "X"
To shift the AZERTY playing range down an octave: Press the letter "W."
3.4.2. Parameter help and value popups
When you hover the cursor over a control, its name and description will appear in this lower
left-hand corner of the window. The current value of a control will also appear in a text
balloon next to your cursor.
3.4.3. Bender
Click on this wheel and drag to the right to bend the pitch up, or to the left to bend the pitch
down IF the VCO BEND fader is not at zero and the VCO-1 and/or VCO-2 switches are ON.
The Bender "snaps back" to the center position (back to normal) when it is released. The VCF
can also respond to the bender if its switch is on and the fader is up (providing something
else hasn't already opened the VCF to its maximum already).
3.4.4. Modulation Wheel (LFO MOD)
The MOD wheel is a live performance control that takes the signal from the top panel's LFO
(Low Frequency Oscillator, LFO 1) and can send it to both VCOs and the VCF via the switches
and faders to its left. Typically, you'll use it to dynamically add vibrato to certain notes of
a solo. Like the pitch bender below it, you can click and drag on the mod wheel to move
it. Unlike the pitch wheel, the mod wheel will stay in its current location until it's moved. Its
MIDI CC (continuous controller) number is 01.
: If you want to use the MOD wheel to control something besides the VCO and VCF, it appears as a
source in the Advanced Panel's Modulation Mixer as "ModWheel".
The MOD wheel is intended as a performance control, that is, something that you increase or
decrease in real time for musical expression. If you'd like the LFO to affect the sound all the time (for
vibrato or tremolo, for example) use the VCO MODULATOR and MOD faders on the top panel.
21 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Quick Tour of the Arturia JUP-8 V4