User's Manual

Table Of Contents Rate and Hz/Sync switch
These two controls determine the speed of the arpeggio. When the switch is in the Hz
position, as shown above, the rate is adjustable from 0.1 to 50 Hz. When the switch is in
the SYNC position, the rate is adjustable from 1/2 to 1/64th of the current tempo, with 1/4
equaling one beat. The tempo is set externally by the computer either in the Audio MIDI
Settings or incoming MIDI clock, or, when run as an instrument plugin, by the DAW's tempo
setting. Range
These four orange switches select the range of the arpeggiator in octaves. When 1 is
selected, the arpeggiator will play just the notes in the keyboard range you're playing. When
2 is selected, it will play those notes, then repeat them an octave higher before restarting
the cycle. Octaves 3 and 4 do the same thing: play the notes of the Mode through a 3 or 4
octave range.
For example, if the range is set to 3 and you hold down a low "C" on the keyboard, it will
play low C-middle C-high C automatically.
Range 1: One octave
Range 2: Two octaves
Range 3: Three octaves
Range 4: Four octaves Mode
These seven red switches determine the pattern that the arpeggiator will play when you
hold down keys on the keyboard.
From top to bottom the options are:
Mode Description
Notes are played back in ascending order from lowest to highest. New notes are inserted into the
arpeggio as they are played.
Notes are played back in descending order from highest to lowest. New notes are inserted into the
arpeggio as they are played.
ORD Held notes will be arpeggiated in the same order they were played.
REV Held notes will be arpeggiated in the reverse order they were played.
Held notes are played back "up and down" in ascending order and then descending order, repeating
the highest and lowest notes before the direction is reversed.
Held notes are played back "up and down" in ascending order and then descending order. The highest
and lowest notes are triggered only once and then the direction is reversed.
RND Random: notes are played back in random order.
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