User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ENV-1 / ENV-2: This switch selects whether the envelope MOD source for the VCF
cutoff will be ENV-1 or ENV-2;
: If you want the VCF to have the same attack curve as the VCA, choose ENV-2. That would leave
ENV-1 free to provide a different frequency and/or pulse width modulation in the VCO MODULATOR.
LFO MOD: This fader sets the level of modulation by the top-panel LFO. Use this
parameter to make a wah-wah or switching or sample-and-hold effect.
KEY FLW: (Keyboard Follow) This fader sets how much the filter will track the
notes being played. At bottom (no keyboard follow), the filter will sound the same
no matter where you play on the keyboard. As you increase KEY FLW, the higher
notes will open the filter more than lower ones will, so the right side of the
keyboard will be louder and brighter than the left (if some other modulator isn't
opening the filter already). In fact, if VCF CUT is very low and KEY FLW is high,
bass notes will be almost inaudible while treble notes will play normally.
: To get finer control of settings when controlling knobs and sliders, right-click the mouse (or
[Control]+click on Mac) for additional precision. This is useful when trying to set the cutoff frequency
precisely, for example.
6.3. VCA (Voltage-Controlled Amplifier)
The VCA is the last step in controlling the sound. It is the final "gate" in the signal path, and
is controlled by Envelope 2 which sets the attack, decay, sustain and release times of the
sound. ENV-2 determines how loud the signal is at any particular stage of time. A sound can
fade in, attack and decay, sustain at a different level, and either stop immediately or fade
away slowly when the key is released.
The VCA module itself is very simple, it consists of:
LVL (Level): This fader determines how much the amplifer will be opened by
ENV-2. When LVL is at zero, the amplifier will be closed and no sound will play.
Similarly, even if LVL is at maximum, the VCA must receive some kind of signal
from ENV-2 (Attack, Decay, or Sustain faders must be above zero) to open up.
LFO MOD: This fader sets the level of modulation of the VCA by the LFO (Low
Frequency Oscillator) on the far left side of the panel, typically causing a tremolo
effect. It is a downward modulation, that is, it can lower the signal level, but it
can't raise the signal above the LVL setting.
41 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - HPF and VCF Filters, VCA, and Envelopes