User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Now that we've covered the envelopes, let's look at the left side of the top panel, which is
dedicated to producing and sending modulations to various destinations.
7.1. LFO (Low-Frequency Oscillator)
The top-panel LFO is typically used to create a vibrato effect (when the LFO modulates the
frequency of one or both VCOs, which are "audio frequency oscillators") and/or a “wah-wah”
effect (when it modulates the cutoff frequency of the filter).
There are several other interesting tricks an LFO can do as well.
: Note that the top-panel LFO is one of three available LFO modules in the JUP-8 V4; two more are
hidden in the Modulations section of the Advanced Panel because they weren't available in the original
hardware. This one is labeled "LFO 1" in the Modulation Mixer of the Advanced Extensions panel.
RATE and HZ/SYNC switch: The RATE fader sets the speed of the LFO. When the
switch to its left is in the upper "HZ" position, the frequency range goes from .035
Hz (incredibly slow!) to 30 Hz (which is in the low end of the audible range).
Double-click on the RATE control to set it to its default setting of 1 Hz.
In the SYNC position, the speed of the LFO is synchronized to the tempo clock coming from
an external sequencer or workstation, the Arpeggio module's RATE control, or the JUP-8 V4's
Audio MIDI menu (upper left corner). In SYNC mode, the RATE fader sets the frequency of
the LFO as a multiple or a fraction of the tempo. For example, when the tempo is 120 BPM
(beats per minute) and LFO RATE is set to 1/4 (quarter note), the LFO will play 2 cycles per
second; if LFO RATE is set to 1/8 (eighth note) it will play twice as fast (4 cycles/beats per
second), and so on.
43 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - LFO and VCO Modulator Controls