User's Manual

Table Of Contents To select an LFO Waveform:
The current waveform and its speed is shown on an oscilloscope display of the window.
Click on the name of the wave under the LFO wave display, and make a selection from the
menu: LFO 2 and 3 controls
Single/Cycle: In Cycle mode, the LFO operates normally, continually generating
the selected waveform. In Single mode, the LFO generates only one complete
waveform starting when you play the first key after a release, then stops until
triggered again.
: Tip: if you need an additional envelope, you can use a slow Single Saw wave from LFO 2 or 3 as an
envelope (for example, assigned to pitch or PWM). The Warp control allows you to sculpt the "envelope"
in unique ways, and the Destination Level knob can make the envelope positive (clockwise from "noon")
or negative (counter-clockwise).
47 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Advanced Panel