User's Manual

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The color-coded lines of the display give you a clear idea of what's going on:
The long yellow line is the slow sine wave from LFO 2.
The orange line is the faster sawtooth wave from LFO 3.
The red "small sawtooth" is the result, the actual output of the Modulation Mixer.
1. Turn the SOURCE MIX knob counter-clockwise so you hear only VCO-1, and play
any key on the keyboard.
2. Slowly move the Mod Mixer Amount knob (next to "Sum") up and down between
1.00 to 0.00 and watch the red output waveform. Lower amounts decrease
the impact of the Sawtooth wave, as seen in the smaller spikes that eventually
disappear into the Sine wave.
3. Return the Amount to 1.00 and observe the waveform: the sawtooth wave is
"surfing" on the sine wave.
4. Change the MOD MIXER TYPE to Diff (Difference) and observe: now the wave
curves up and ends with a sharp drop down. Mathematically the results are at
opposite extremes, as are the results here.
5. Try changing the TYPE to Multiply, and to Divide. The differences in the math
processes are even more extreme, and though the results are too technical to
describe, we think you'll agree that the output waveforms are equally complex
and useful.
6. Select TYPE: Crossfade. This one's easy: with the Amount at 1.00, only the LFO 3
wave passes through, resulting in a Saw Down wave output. At a value of 0.00
only the LFO 2 wave passes through, resulting in a Sine wave output.
51 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Advanced Panel