User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Make your selection from the pulldown menu, then turn the knob to the right (clockwise) for
a positive modulation, or to the left (counter-clockwise) for a negative modulation. Double-
click the knob to set it to the default "12:00" (zero, no modulation) position. FX as Modulation Mixer Destinations
In the pulldown menu above, the last six destinations involve the three effects (FX) we will
cover later in the Effects section, but they bear some extra explanation here.
The labels "FX 1" etc. will be replaced by the name of the effect in each slot once you choose
them. For example, "FX 1 D/W" might become "Reverb 1 D/W", FX 2 DW might become "Delay
2 D/W" etc.
D/W stands for Dry/Wet, the ratio between the direct signal and the effected signal. For
example, if Reverb 1 D/W is set to 0.00% (Dry) there will be no reverb, and if it is 100.00%
(wet) it will ONLY be reverb.
The other FX mod destinations (FX 1 Param, etc.) will change to the most useful effect
parameter for the effect type. See Modulation Mixer FX Parameters [p.75].
8.2. Sequencer
Before there were computer sequencers with lots of memory, early electronic musicians
used hardware step sequencers with multiposition switches determining each pitch. The
Arturia JUP-8 V4 pays homage to those days with a 32-step sequencer section in the
Advanced Panel.
It has a polyphonic
Notes Sequencer
to create melodic lines, harmonic progressions, and
rhythmic lines (when the Pitch Routing on the lower right corner is going to one or both
VCOs). It also has a
Mod Sequencer
that can sequentially modify parameters (e.g., the cutoff
frequency of the VCF, or the width of the VCO square waveform) step-by-step.
When the Advanced Panel is open, click on the “Sequencer” button on the left side to display
the Sequencer subpanel. Click on the Notes Sequencer tab or the Mod Sequencer tab to
display and edit that sequence.
53 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Advanced Panel