User's Manual

Table Of Contents Sequence Length
You can change the length of the sequence to any value you wish between 1 and 32. The
Notes Sequencer and the Mod Sequencer may be set to different lengths. To change the
length, the sequencer must be turned on.
In the bar of step numbers from 1 to 32, click on the small red left-facing triangle and drag
it in either direction.
8.2.2. Notes Sequencer
Hold any keys on the keyboard to start the Notes Sequencer when its red power icon is
lit. The Notes Sequencer is arranged to play in semitone steps, with the zero or center
value representing whatever note(s) you play on the keyboard. Each step can be up to 24
semitones above or below the center note.
For example, if you hold an "A" on the keyboard and a step value is -1, that step will play an
A. If you hold a middle "C" on the keyboard, the step value of -1 will play a B; a step value
of +24 will play a C two octaves higher.
Click in a step field and drag to set the step to the value you want. The step values will
be restricted to the current scale. For example, if the scale is set to Major, dragging a step
upwards will go through the values 0-2-4-5-7-9-11-12 etc. and won't let you set a step to any
value outside of that scale.
the Notes Sequence length has been set to 12. Notes to the right of 12 will
not be played
Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Advanced Panel 56