User's Manual

Table Of Contents
8.4.4. Editing the effects
Each effect has its own parameters, which will be described in the following sections.
: When you hover your cursor over an effect control, the numerical value for the parameter is
displayed in a text bubble next to the control, and the name of the control is displayed in the lower tool
bar on the left side. Reverb
A Reverb effect creates a large number of echoes that gradually fade or "decay". It simulates
how the input would sound in a room or a large space.
Control Description
Sets the amount of time before the input signal is affected by the reverb, from zero to 200
Determines the length of time the reverb effect will last.
Appears as a Mod Destination in the
Advanced Modulations window and Mod Sequencer.
M/S Mix Adjusts the reverb from Mono to an increasingly wide Stereo space.
Input LP
Input Low Pass filter: Filters out the high-frequency content above the chosen frequency. Range
100 Hz to 15 kHz. Default 7661Hz.
Input HP
Input High Pass filter: Filters out low-frequency content below the selected frequency. Range 30
Hz to 10 kHz. Default 44 Hz.
Size Adjusts the size of the room: counter-clockwise is smaller, clockwise is larger.
Damping Controls the rate at which the high frequencies decay.
Dry /
Wet mix
Controls the balance between the input signal and the effected signal for this effect.
Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Advanced Panel 64