User's Manual

Table Of Contents
The three preset dispersion modes are arranged basically in increasing amounts of
dispersion from left to right.
Mode 1 is shown in the picture at the beginning of this section. It is the most
subtle of the bunch, roughly equivalent to the slight drift just after calibration.
The pitch of successive voices will be only slightly different from each other (in
a range of about ± 5/100ths of a semitone, 5 cents), and the other settings are
very moderate.
Mode 2 turns each of the trimpots to about the midway point, introducing more
dispersion to the voices. The pitch of the voices varies in a range of about ±1/10
of a semitone (10 cents).
Mode 3 introduces more timbre differences between voices, with PW and RESO
set to maximum, CUTOFF at 3/4, and a pitch range of about ±15 cents, enough to
be noticeable but not offensive.
Custom mode turns on the moment you adjust a trimpot. You can tweak to your
heart's delight; your Dispersion settings will be saved with everything else when
you save the preset, and is unique to that preset.
To remove all dispersion effects, make a Custom setting with all the trimpots turned full counter-
clockwise. The JUP-8 V4 will play in perfect digital tuning and all pulse widths, envelope and filter
settings, and modulations will be uniform between notes.
9.2. Dispersion trimpots
There are six different controls that adjust how much dispersion will be applied to
parameters of the JUP-8 V4.
To view the trimpot settings click on the grey area between the Dispersion
buttons and the keyboard.
To change a trimpot click and drag just as you would any other control. The
mode will automatically switch to Custom.
To hide the trimpot settings click between any trimpots.
The trimpots have a range from 0.00 (no effect) to 1.00 (full dispersion) and have these
Pitch controls how much variation from concert pitch successive voices will have. At 0.00
each voice will be in tune. At 1.00, keys may vary from their intended pitch by as much as
±50 cents (half a semitone). Time to break out the little screwdriver!
PW (Pulse Width) varies the pulse width of a rectangle, square and triangle wave on
different voices. You won't hear the effect of this dispersion unless a VCO WAVE switch is in
the rectangle, square, or triangle position.
ENV (Envelopes) introduces discrepancies between each voice’s envelope times.
CUTOFF varies the setting of the VCF CUT control on different voices. To hear the effect, the
VCF CUT control on the top panel cannot be wide open. Higher settings of RES make the
effect more obvious.
77 Arturia - User Manual Jup-8 V4 - Dispersion