User's Manual

Table Of Contents
This chapter will focus mostly on the MiniLab MkII keyboard and how it interacts with the
Analog Lab Lite software. So you will find only basic coverage of the various Analog Lab Lite
parameters that MiniLab MkII controls. For more details about Analog Lab Lite, please refer
to the Analog Lab user manual.
3.1. Audio and MIDI Setup
The first thing to do after launching Analog Lab Lite is to make sure the software is set to
output audio correctly and that it will receive MIDI from the MiniLab MkII keyboard.
3.1.1. Audio setup
In order to check the audio driver settings for Analog Lab Lite, open the Preferences window
by pressing [Command] + [,] or by selecting it from the Analog Lab Lite drop-down menu.
This will open the Audio & MIDI Settings window, which is where the preferred audio output
device will be selected. Now click the Test button: If you hear a short sine wave, then your
audio is set up correctly. If not, make sure the correct audio driver is selected and that your
headphones or speakers are properly connected and turned on.
Arturia - User Manual MiniLab MkII - MiniLab MkII and Analog Lab Lite 9