User's Manual

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5.3. Arpeggiator modes
5.3.1. Start the arpeggiator
The arpeggiator will not run if the sync selection switches are set to something other than Internal
and no external clock is present.
Before we describe each of the arpeggiator modes, let's do a quick review of how to select
a mode and start the arpeggiator:
Select Arp mode with the Seq / Arp toggle switch
Use the Seq/Arp Mode encoder to select a mode
Press the Play/Pause button
Hold down some keys
The arpeggiator will start playing the notes you are holding one after the other. The order in
which they are played is determined by the Arp mode.
All of the following examples involve holding down only 4 notes on the keyboard. But you
can add up to 32 notes to your arpeggio through clever use of the Hold button and the Oct
Minus / Plus buttons. We'll describe these techniques in section 5.5 [p.58].
5.3.2. Arp mode: Up
With the Arp mode encoder set to Up the arpeggiator will play the held notes in order from
the bottom to the top. When it reaches the top it will start again from the bottom.
The results will sound something like this:
5.3.3. Arp mode: Down
With the Arp mode encoder set to Dwn the arpeggiator will play the held notes in order from
top to bottom. When it reaches the bottom it will start again from the top.
Arturia - User Manual KeyStep 37 - The Arpeggiator 54