User Manual

3.1. Working with plug-ins
Comp FET-76 comes in VST2, VST3, AU and AAX plug-in formats for use in all major digital
audio workstations (DAW) including Ableton Live, Logic, Cubase, Pro Tools and others. Unlike
a hardware compressor, you can load as many instances of Comp FET-76 as you find
useful. Comp FET-76 has two other big advantages over hardware:
You can automate many of Comp FET-76 parameters using your DAW’s
automation system.
Your settings will be saved with your project so you can pick up exactly where
you left off the next time you open a session.
3.2. When to use the Comp FET-76
The key takeaway for Comp FET-76 is that it is big and bold. While it is possible to make
this compressor to sound very transparent and clear, this is usually not how it is used in
practice. For decades, engineers have pushed the original hardware aggressively to add life
and excitement to a track and we believe that this is where it really shines.
One of the most important characteristics of FET compressors is that they are capable of
handling really fast attack times while simultaneously adding pleasing "color" to the sound.
Just like the original hardware, Comp FET-76 sends incoming signals through an Input
amplifier that immediately adds a big—and usually very positive—impact on the "color" of
the sound. From there, the signal is routed to the FET that does the actual compression.
The blazing fast attack time (down to 20 microseconds, or 0.02 milliseconds) and powerful
Class A amplifier (capable of adding 45 dB of make-up gain to a signal) really give
engineers a wide latitude to push, pull and mold signals in extreme and exciting ways.
When pushed hard, distortion levels can increase adding even more excitement to grungy
electric guitars and bass. This combined with higher compression ratios can result in a
popular "squeezed" or "smashed" sound that is very popular when used on drum overhead
or drum room microphones. Hard compression on vocals adds a bright and "in-your-face"
presence that has been popular in rock music for decades.
The Main FET-76 Compressor Controls
Arturia - User Manual Comp FET-76 - COMP FET-76 OVERVIEW 7