User Manual

3.5. Getting hands on with Comp FET-76
3.5.1. Compression Basics
To get an idea of Comp FET-76's capabilities, we suggest you try the following:
Load a stereo clip into an audio track in your DAW (drum or vocal tracks are
ideal for this);
Load an instance of Comp FET-76 as an insert in that track and open the Comp
FET-76 window;
Ensure the Default preset is loaded. This will mean that all settings are positioned
to provide a neutral sound;
Begin playback. The clip should sound exactly as it was recorded. You can verify
this by clicking the Bypass button in the lower Toolbar and comparing what you
hear (they should sound the same);
Now turn the Input clockwise. You will notice that the Output knob automatically
turns counter-clockwise to compensate. This is because the two knobs are linked
by default (there is a "Link" enable/disable switch between the Input and Output
knobs). You can switch the Link function off if you would like to adjust the Input
knob independently of the Output knob, but for the moment, let's keep both Input
and Output linked;
Keep raising the Input until the VU Meter needle starts moving regularly to
the left. This means that compression is now being applied to the peaks of
your audio. You may check the amount of Gain Reduction quickly by turning
the System Bypass switch On and Off. When it is Off, compression circuit is
bypassed, and you'll hear the original unprocessed audio;
Now let's try some different compression ratios to hear how they affect the
sound. The default option is 4, which means a 4:1 ratio. Change it to 12 for a more
dramatic 12:1 compression. Now try pressing the "All" button for the famous "all
buttons in" hyper-compression effect (you may need to reduce the Input level as
"All" mode can be loud). Choose which option you feel is the best to go;
Now slowly adjust the Attack and Release knobs while listening to the attack and
decay of your transients. As you play with settings, hopefully you will hear the
loud transients of your sounds being softened, hardened or otherwise shaped.
You may notice that some settings will sound very natural and pleasing whereas
others may sound unnatural. Over time, engineers develop a feeling for this and
can dial in a great sound in seconds.
Comp FET-76 used in a drum track
Arturia - User Manual Comp FET-76 - COMP FET-76 OVERVIEW 11