User Manual

The Comp FET-76 plug-in can be used in Mono or Stereo channels.
The Mono configuration is automatically loaded when we use the plug-in with mono tracks.
When inserted in stereo tracks, the Stereo configuration is automatically loaded as well.
4.1. Channel Configuration (Mono/Stereo)
The plug-in has different configurations for Mono and Stereo versions. The differences
between the two versions consist in the presence of certain additional features in the stereo
version, which are located in the Advanced Mode Control Panel. These are related with the
Advanced Side-Chain Control section. When inserted in mono channels, the plug-in only
shows the Source and Time Warp controls in that section (Mode Selection control knob is
The Advanced Side-Chain Control section is where we control how the plug-in performs
detection to trigger compression. In Mono mode we can simply select the Source, choosing
between Internal and External, while in Stereo mode we can also choose how detection is
performed (stereo, dual mono or M/S) and how it affects compression.
We will look deeper into this when we reach the Advanced Side-Chain Control [p.23] entry.
Comp FET-76 inserted in a mono track. Notice the absence of the Detection
Mode selection control knob
Arturia - User Manual Comp FET-76 - COMP FET-76 CONTROL PANEL 13