User Manual

The Comp FET-76 User Interface has a Main Control Panel, an Advanced Mode Control Panel
and toolbars in the top and bottom of the window.
It is still a very simple User Interface. That will always be the main focus of every Arturia
product: to unleash your creativity while remaining easy to use.
We already look at the control panels. Now, it's time to look at the toolbars.
5.1. The Upper Toolbar
The plug-in GUI (Graphical User Interface) has the usual Arturia toolbar that runs across the
top edge, with the Arturia logo / plug-in name on the left (the colored part), followed by the
Library button and the Preset name, with arrows to navigate through the different presets
stored in the library.
Then, we have the right part of the toolbar, which presents a very important new feature -
an A/B button.
After this, we have the button that gives access to the Advanced Mode control panel (a
double arrow). This double arrow button is added with a point next to it every time the
Advanced Mode is in action (when there are parameters set to values different than the
default ones) and that panel is not visible.
The Advanced Mode panel is common to all three compressors, and features important add-
on features that greatly expand the functionality found on the original units.
Next, we have another very important button, one that was introduced in Pigments. It's the
Sound Design Tips button. It has the form of a light bulb, and when selected it displays tips
built in the presets by their creators to guide the user in the manipulation of the different
As we saw, this upper toolbar, which is common to all current Arturia plug-ins, gives access
to many important functions.
These options can be found by clicking on the Arturia Comp FET-76 button at the top left-
hand corner of the plug-in window. Since these options are also common to all current
Arturia current plug-ins, they may be already familiar to you:
5.1.1. Save
This option will overwrite the active preset with any changes you have made, so if you
want to keep the source preset also, use the Save As option instead. See the next section for
information about this.
The Upper Toolbar
28 Arturia - User Manual Comp FET-76 - USER INTERFACE