User Manual

5.7. Some Final Words
Some final words to mention something very important. Usually, to change values in the
plug-in controls, we click on the corresponding control and drag the mouse up or down. If
the controls are switches, we simply click them to toggle On or Off. If we want finer editing
values, we can use Ctrl+Drag (Cmd+Drag on macOS). Alternatively, we can mouse Right-
Click and Drag. Using this key combination, the values change in a slower way, which allow
us to get more precise values easily.
Double-clicking a control changes it automatically to the default value. This also works with
Alt+Click (Opt+Click on macOS).
And that's it. We just finished describing all the controls and features you have at your
disposal to process sound in your DAW using the Comp FET-76 plug-in. We hope you'll enjoy
your new plug-in and the results you get when using it, as much as we enjoyed making it.
Arturia - User Manual Comp FET-76 - USER INTERFACE 35