User Manual

3.5. Getting hands-on with Comp VCA-65
3.5.1. Compression Basics
To get an idea of Comp VCA-65's capabilities, we suggest you try the following:
Load a stereo clip into an audio track in your DAW (drum or vocal tracks are
ideal for this);
Load an instance of Comp VCA-65 as an insert in that track. Open the Comp
VCA-65 window;
Ensure the Default preset is loaded. This will mean that all settings are positioned
to provide a neutral sound;
Begin playback. The clip should sound exactly as it was recorded. You can verify
this by clicking the Bypass button in the lower Toolbar and comparing what you
hear (they should sound the same);
Now let's try some processing, just to check the main features of the Comp
VCA-65. First of all, raise the Compression Value to Infinity;
Click the Auto button between Attack and Release. This will put these two controls
in auto mode, where they will respond at a variable rate according to the audio
being processed;
Start turning the Threshold knob to the left, to reduce the Threshold level. Do this
until you see that in the Compression indicator lights above, the red "LED" starts
turning On more or less frequently;
Observe what happens on the VU meter: The needle starts to move backwards.
This means that compression is now being applied to the peaks of your audio.
You may check the amount of Gain Reduction quickly by turning the System
Bypass switch On and Off. When it is On, compression circuit is bypassed, and
you'll hear the original uncompressed audio;
Comp VCA-65 used in a drum track
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