User Manual

Now lower the Compression value until you hear results that are satisfactory to
you. Usually, a compression ratio around 4:1 is enough for most uses, but some
material may ask for more, and other may demand a more subtle ratio. Don't
forget to check frequently how the uncompressed audio sounds, by clicking the
System Bypass button;
You can now try to set manually the Attack and Release values. To do that, turn
the Auto button Off, and find a value that you find satisfactory. You can always
turn Auto on again, to check if your manual settings sound as good, better or
worse than the Auto settings;
Once you achieved a good compressed sound, it's time to use the Output Gain, to
compensate for the volume loss due to compression. Always check with System
Bypass how the original audio sounds.
Now use the Limiter, by turning it to the left. Increase Gain a little and
compensate with the Limiter. Don't forget that results may vary, depending on
what kind of audio you are trying this on (vocals, drums, guitar, piano, etc.).
3.5.2. More advanced compression methods
Now that you have a feeling for the Comp VCA-65 basics, let's continue on and go a little
Click the double downward facing arrows to open the "Advanced" mode;
Let's use the Advanced Side-Chain Control. We will not use an external signal, but
will simply try out the different Detection Mode settings. By default, the control
is positioned in the
position, but you may try other positions, while the
track is playing. Notice how the sound changes, sometimes drastically, especially
when you choose the different Mid/Side positions. This effect can produce some
fantastic results when used on stereo tracks;
: Remember that the Detection Mode control knob is only visible when working in stereo. If you are
not seeing that option, it is because you are working on a mono signal.
Now click the Listen button and apply some EQ to the analysis signal using the
controls in the Band Equalizer section. Don't be afraid of extreme settings here!
For example, if the original audio has a strong bass component, the bass energy
can have a major influence on the compressor as it works. By attenuating some
of the bass, you may end up with a better compressed sound;
When you are done adjusting the Side-Chain EQ, switch off the Listen button and
try switching EQ on and off as the track plays. You should notice that the EQ may
have a big influence in the way compression work, even though it is only being
applied to the detection path of the signal.
12 Arturia - User Manual Comp VCA-65 - COMP VCA-65 OVERVIEW