User Manual

4.2.9. VU Meter
The VU Meter is very important to give us visual references. It doesn't replace our ears, but
certainly gives them some help. In the original, the meter already have several modes.
In the Compressor collection, Arturia improved the Meters by allowing the user to choose to
monitor the Input Level, the Output Level or the Gain Change (Reduction) Level. By default,
they are set to Gain Change. Besides this, we also have the possibility to calibrate the VU
Meter sensitivity using the tool in the Lower Toolbar. We have three options: -18 dB, -14 dB,
and -8 dB. By default, the selected sensitivity is -18 dB. This means that Meter will display 0
VU when it is fed with a peak level of -18 dBFS.
When in Gain Change Mode (the default mode) the Meter is calibrated so it shows 0 dB as
rest position (no Gain Reduction). This reproduces the behavior of the hardware unit.
Since the VU Meter only measures one channel, Left channel is selected by default
(indicated by the L letter in the lower left corner of the Meter). If we change the Detection
Mode to one of the Mid/Side modes, the measured channel changes automatically to Middle
(the letter in the lower left corner changes to an M).
If we click over that letter, we can change the selected channel to the Right channel (if
Detection Mode is in one of the Left/Right modes), or to Side channel (if Detection Mode is in
one of the Mid/Side modes).
Comp VCA-65 Meter, showing the Gain
Arturia - User Manual Comp VCA-65 - COMP VCA-65 CONTROL PANEL 21