User Manual

The VCA compressor path can be manipulated by several controllers, each one changing a
specific parameter.
Comp VCA-65 features prominently the Threshold and Compression controls, as well as
the Attack and Release controls. In the middle of these we have a button for Auto Attack/
Release, which makes them program dependent, as in the older compressors. We also
have the Output Gain (where we compensate for volume loss due to compression), and the
Limiter (a feature added in a later revision of the hardware, and also in the plug-in version
by Arturia). This allows the Comp VCA-65 to act as a rough but yet useful limiter.
Finally, there is a "Mix" knob that wasn't found on the original hardware. This is an Arturia
addition that allows to set a blend between the compressed and uncompressed sound, and
opens up a lot of creative sound-sweetening possibilities.
Besides the classic features and small improvements mentioned above, Arturia also
included several more substantial features. These appear in a separate "Advanced" panel
that opens below the main panel. Here, you will find things like Advanced Side-Chain
Control, a single-band EQ for the side-chain signal with High-Pass and Low-Pass filters, a
Time Warp function, a Compression Range knob to limit the gain reduction, and a button
that enables listening the side-chain signal alone. We will cover all of these in depth later in
this guide.
Now, it's time to check how it sounds. Let's go!
Arturia Comp VCA-65
Arturia - User Manual Comp VCA-65 - WELCOME 5