User`s manual

name and classify the new preset according to TYPE and CHARACTERISTICS.
So that the foundation of the instrument remain intact, it is not possible to save or delete a
Factory preset (that comes installed in the software). However, the “Save As” function allows the
modification and saving of a preset under another name that the user chooses.
Permits one to save a USER Preset.
You can delete any USER preset with this function.
Permits the user to import a document containing the USER presets for Analog
Factory (allowing you to add presets from your personal collection). The
document referred to is called *.afpresets”. To import, click on IMPORT and
then the local*.afpresets” document in your computer. If the document being
imported has the same name as existing presets, the following options will
appear: Duplicate, Replace or Skip. “Duplicate” leaves two presets with the same
name listed in the Preset Manager. “Replace” will replace the current preset with
the same name with that of the one being imported. “Skip” will stop the new
preset from being imported.
Choose this function to export USER Presets. Click on “Export”, choose the
destination of the *.afpresetsdocument which will be created, and give it a
So that the foundation of Analog Factory remains intact, it is not possible to Import/Export
Factory presets.
Light signaling MIDI activity: will illuminate when a note from an external MIDI
controller or keyboard is pushed.
This drop-down menu offers the channel choice from which Analog Factory
receives MIDI information. Default is OMNI (responds to data on all MIDI
General settings for the tuning of Analog Factory. This allows the user to finely
tune the general tuning of the instrument.
Choose the view of the interface. The selection buttons offer the choice to View
all of Analog Factory, only the Preset manager, or only the Keyboard.
3.3.3. Using Preset Manager
Presets account for the various sounds of Analog Factory: there are 250! A preset contains all the
settings information of the different controllers necessary to reproduce a sound. In Analog Factory,
there are various ways in which the Presets are classed and filtered in order to simplify preset
management and find the appropriate sounds for a song; one won’t have to search 250 presets to
find the desired sound. These filters are listed on the left of the Preset Manager menu and
presented as follows: Instrument, Type, and Characteristics.
Let’s take a moment to look at each.
Preset Manager