User`s manual

the parameters of Lounge Lizard Session with a specific MIDI controller. In this chapter, we will
review the management of presets and MIDI maps.
4.2.1. Presets
There are two concepts involved in the management of presets, the preset library and programs. The Preset Library
The preset library contains the factory presets, modified versions of
the factory presets you might have made or any other new presets
you might have saved. The library may also contain imported presets
as well as MIDI maps as explained in Section 4.2.6 and 4.2.7. In
other words, the preset library is a repository of all the presets and
MIDI maps available to Lounge Lizard Session.
All the operations on the preset library are conveniently managed
with the help of the Lounge Lizard Session browser, similar to those
found in most email programs which use a hierarchical tree structure
and a visually intuitive, drag and drop approach. To explore the
different presets available in the library, open the different folders by
clicking on the “+” icon Windows or symbol on Mac OS to the left of
folders. Each preset is represented by a blue knob icon followed by its
name. The Program list
Presets are loaded into the synthesis engine of Lounge Lizard Session
from a list of 128 numbered presets called programs. The name of the
current program and its number are displayed in the left of the toolbar at the top of the application
window. The entire list of programs can be viewed by clicking on the button left of the program
It is important to note that presets in the program list and in the preset library are stored in
different locations. They are in fact different copies of the same presets which may, as explained
below, differ even if they share the same name. The version of a preset available in the program
list should be viewed as temporary or as a “working copy” of the preset whereas the version in the
library should be viewed as permanent or as the “reference version”.
When you start the application for the first time, the program list contains a selection of presets
from the factory preset library. At that point, the presets in the program list are identical to their
version in the library.
4.2.2. Playing and Changing Presets
Presets are always played from the program list. The name of the current program, in other words
the one currently loaded in the synthesis engine, as well as its number are displayed in the left part
of the toolbar. Its number and name are also preceded by a check mark in the program list. The
current program can be changed in different ways:
Scroll up or down in the program list by clicking on the “+” and “−” buttons located on the
left of the program name or use the “+” and “−” keys from the computer keyboard,
Display the content of the program list by clicking on the button and select a program by
clicking on its name.
Use the Switch to Program command from the Programs menu and enter a specific program
number. This command can also be activated by using the Ctrl-P/Apple-P keyboard shortcut.
Send MIDI program changes from your MIDI controller. Lounge Lizard Session will load the
program having the same number as the program change number received by the