User`s manual

wah. All the effects share the same interface except for the labels under the control knobs which
vary depending on the effect chosen. This module is switched on or off by clicking on the green LED
in the upper right corner of the module.
4.4.7. Chorus
The chorus effects can be controlled with the two knobs appearing at the bottom of the module.
The Depth knob is used to control the amplitude of the effect while the Rate knob is used to fix the
modulation frequency of the effect. Flanger
The flanger effects is controlled with the three knobs appearing at the bottom of the module. The
Depth knob is used to control the amplitude of the effect while the Rate knob is used to x the
modulation frequency of the effect. Delay
The Effect module includes 3 different types of delay effects: Ping Pong, Digital and Tape Delay.
The Digital delay consists in a standard delay line with feedback. The tape delay is similar but also
includes a low-pass filtering effect in order to simulate the attenuation of high frequencies in analog
tape delays. The Ping Pong delay is based on two delay lines resulting in a signal traveling from one
channel to the other, each time attenuated by a coefficient.
The Feedback knob is used to adjust the amount of signal re-injected into the delay lines or in
other word the amount of feedback introduced in the line. In its leftmost position, there is no signal
re-introduced and the effect module only delays the input signal. Turning this knob clockwise
increases the amount of signal reflected back at the end of the line. Finally the Time knob controls
the length of the delay lines and therefore the delay between echoes. Phaser
The “phasing” effect colors a signal by removing frequency bands from its spectrum. The effect is
obtained by changing the phase of the incoming signal and adding this new signal to the original.
The Depth knob is used to control the amplitude of the effect while the Rate knob is used to fix the
modulation frequency of the effect. Wah
The Effect module includes 2 different types of wah effects: wah wah, and auto wah. Both of them
are based on a specially designed bandpass filter with a 12 dB/oct slope. In the wah wah effect, the
center frequency of the bandpass filter varies at a certain rate. In the case of the auto-wah, the
variations of the center frequency is controlled by the amplitude envelope of the incoming signal.
The Depth knob controls the excursion of the center frequency of the filter. Turning this knob
clockwise increases the excursion of the center frequency.
Finally, the Rate knob controls the frequency or rate of the modulation of the center frequency of
the filter. In the case of the Wah Wah effect, turning this knob clockwise increases the rate of the
modulation. In the case of the Auto Wah filter, this knob controls the time constant of the envelope
follower. Turning this knob clockwise decreases the time constant, or in other words the reaction
time, of the envelope follower.
4.4.8. Reverb
The Reverb module is used to recreate the effect of reflections of sound on the
walls of a room or hall. These reflections add space to the sound and make it
warmer, deeper, as well as more realistic since we always listen to instruments in