User`s manual

ARTURIA Analog Laboratory USER’S MANUAL 35
4.6 Live Mode Quick Start
There’s a third performance option for Analog Lab positioned next to the Sound and Multi
mode buttons for easy access: Live mode.
Simply put, this mode allows you to construct a set list, for example, by assigning
Sounds and/or Multis to particular MIDI program change numbers for instant recall from
a MIDI controller keyboard or a host application such as a DAW.
We’ll delve into the details of Live mode in chapter 5. But for now if you’d like to try it
out, click the Live mode button:
Live mode selected
Then decide whether you want to place a Multi or a Sound into your set list by selecting
one or the other category at the top of the Preset list:
Let’s work with Sounds for now. Click on one of the Sound names and drag it over to the
Program Map section on the right side of the Live mode window:
To select a different item, either drag another Sound from the Sound list or switch to the
Multi category and repeat the process.
There’s a lot more you can do with Live mode! See section 5.7 for more information.