User`s manual

Trans: Use this parameter for chromatic transposition of a Part. The range of
transposition is +/-24 semitones (+/-2 octaves). Multi parameters: FX Sends A and B
Analog Lab has two independent signal processors available for additional audio sculpting
of your Multi. The list of available effect types is rather extensive, and the full list is
available for both FX Sends. To view the options, click the arrow next to the word Bypass
and the menu will drop down, revealing the contents:
The FX Type list
Scroll down to the desired effect and click; you’ve just assigned an effect to the FX Send.
To enable the effect, click the on/off button to the right of the name of the effect:
With the effect enabled, now you can adjust the various parameters of the effect. Just
remember to boost the ‘Mix’ parameter for that FX Send so the effect is receiving signal;
you’ll find that control near the Part’s synth picture. Multi parameters: Control Assign
Layered Multis are basically “One Really Big Sound”, so you’ll probably want them to
respond the same when you use the Pitch bend or the sustain pedal, etc.