User`s manual

If you want to start creating a new set of controller assignments from scratch, simply
press the “Default Values” button. This will reset all of the controller assignments and
the Global settings to their factory defaults.
4.4.5 Saving settings to the computer
You will probably see before long that there are a lot of different ways you can use your
MiniLab. In addition to working with Analog Lab, where all of our soft-synthesizers are
already configured for instant compatibility, you can also set up the MiniLab to work with
any other music-related software you own.
So you’ll appreciate the ability to save each configuration by name for later recall. As
soon as you’ve dialed in the controls for a particular scenario, click the “Save” button
and store that setup to your computer.
The “Save” process only saves the equivalent of one memory location on the MiniLab, not all eight of them.
4.4.6 Loading settings from the computer
When you know which configurations you need to pre-load into your MiniLab, click the
“Load” button and load them into the MIDI Control Center. From there, use the “Send to
Keyboard” function described in section 4.4.3.