User`s manual

We’ll show you how to set Pad 2 to the Snare drum note number in section Select the MIDI note number: Snare
Setting Pad 2 to trigger the snare is done the same way, only by choosing a different
MIDI note number (38 in this case):
So now you’re ready to lay down the groove for your song: You have Pads 1 and 2 set to
play the Kick and Snare, and Pads 7 and 8 set to Stop and Start the song.
5.1.4 Assign a Pad to toggle a MIDI CC # between two values
One popular musical effect these days is to take an audio loop, filter it heavily for certain
sections of a song, and switch it back to the full-open sound later in the song. You can
pre-configure one of the MiniLab pads to send those commands to a filter plug-in that
should be readily available in your DAW software.
We’ll use Pad 6 for this example. Select it and then use the pull-down Mode menus to
select “Switched” and “Toggle”: