User`s manual

voice in the plug-in itself), at the next opening of the piece, ANALOG FACTORY will
load the “P1” preset and the modifications.
The drop-down menu with the VST sequencer allowing you to save a new voice is of
course usable with ANALOG FACTORY. However, it is highly advised to use the
ANALOG FACTORY internal menu: the presets saved in this way are usable in any
other mode (standalone or other sequencer), they can be exported and exchanged
more easily, and they will remain compatible with the future ANALOG FACTORY
The automation works the same with ANALOG FACTORY as with any VST plug-in (for
more detail about automation, refer to the VST sequencer documentation).
4.3 Audio Unit (Max OSX only)
4.3.1 Installation
The Audio Unit plug-in is automatically installed in the folder reserved for this
purpose, in /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
4.3.2 Use in Logic Audio
Select an instrument track. On the slice of the mixer corresponding to the selected
track, click on the button <<I/O>> to obtain the list of plug-ins, then select
<<Stereo -> AU Instruments -> Arturia ANALOG FACTORY
ANALOG FACTORY opening in Logic
Since version 7, there has been an Audio Unit plug-in manager in Logic. To launch it,
click on the menu <<Preferences -> Start Logic AU Manager>>