User's Manual

TD 93021US Rev A
10 FEB 2014 / Ver A 131
Installation Guide
8.3 teleCARE IP Wireless Components
8.3.1 NIRX teleCARE IP Transceiver
The NIRX transceiver is a printed circuit module which is piggy back mounted on the NIRC3 room
controller and the NIFX fixed transceiver. Mounting the NIRX will add wireless nurse call functionality
to the NIRC3 room controller and the fixed transceiver. Optionally the NIRX can also be mounted on
the NILF location beacon for actively monitoring the state of the NILF, such as tamper and low battery
alarm conditions.
Figure 177. Transceiver piggyback module (NIRX)
Connecting the Transceiver Module
The NIRX is piggyback mounted on the NIRC3 room controller, on the NIFX fixed transceiver and on
the NILF low frequency beacon printed circuit boards:
Figure 178. Piggyback mounting of the transceiver module on the NIRC3 and NIFX
Note: The NIFX is delivered with an NIRX mounted from the factory.