User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Ascom i63 VoWiFi Handset
Basic Operation
3 Select the language to be used (Settings
*Language) or press Cancel. If Cancel is pressed, the
default language English is used.
4 When the handset displays the dialog window Login:,
enter the handset’s Call ID (endpoint number), that is,
the phone number of the handset, in the User: field.
If, by mistake, a wrong number is entered,
make a factory reset, and start over again,
see 10.2 Administration Menu, page 80.
Leave the Password: field empty (if there is no
common, or individual, password set in the Device
Manager for the handset).
The handset displays Searching followed by No
access, and can restart automatically, displaying
Shutting down followed by Remotely updated.
If no system is found within 2 minutes or
Cancel is pressed, the handset returns to the
Idle mode. In this case, continue with
registering the handset manually, using the
Device Manager.
If there are no Number records already configured in the Device Manager before the handset logs in for
the first time, perform as follows:
1 In the Device Manager, be sure to manually check and
save the automatically created Number records by
right-clicking on the Numbers entry.
2 Check in the created record, under Device Unite
IP address, that the IP address for the Unite system is
correct. Then the handset can login to the same
Device Manager again.
3.4 Log a Shared Phone On and Off
The feature shared phone allows more than one user to use a handset. When a handset is configured to be
a shared phone, it can be used by any shared phone user in the system.
Each user access an individual message list, call list, and local phonebook. So when a user logs off a shared
phone, these items are unavailable for the other users, but available for the first user when logged on again.
If configured in the WinPDM/Device Manager, an emergency call can be made from a handset that
is logged off.
For more information, refer to the Configuration Manual, Ascom i63 VoWiFi Handset, TD 93300EN.
TD 93289EN / / Ver.