
Ashly P70 Owners Manual Ashly P70 Owners ManualPage Page8
The XR-1 crossover input option provides separate high-pass and low-pass
24 dB/octave filters allowing flexibility in biamped systems. Output mode
switching allows the amplifier to be configured normal two-way, full range with low
out, mono low out with aux high out, and bridged low out with aux high out.
Included with the XR-1 are single in-line package (SIP) resistor networks which
allow preselection of three standard crossover frequencies. A phase alignment
control and switch are provided for acoustical alignment of high frequency drivers,
and two types of CD horn EQ are available. A third-order 20Hz low-cut filter
removes inaudible subsonic signals from the low frequency signal path.
The MM-6 mixer input option provides four high-impedance line inputs and
two balanced low-impedance microphone inputs, each with its own level control.
A switchable 200 Hz high-pass filter is provided on the mic inputs to reduce
unwanted low frequency noise. An internal jumper allows selection of phantom
power applied to the mic inputs for use with condenser mics. The MM-6 has a master
level control and selectable stereo, mono and bridging modes. Insert Points are
available for patching external processing into the left and right channels.
Figure 7: Limiter Input Option
The P70 amplifiers are equipped with front panel meter displays which
respond to peak output voltage. An eleven-segment, three-color LED display
covers a 27 dB range. The green LED’s at the left end of the meter arrays indicate
a normal thermal status. In the event that the amplifier overheats, these LED’s will
turn off but the power switch will remain illuminated, indicating the thermal
protection status. When the heat sinks return to safe operating temperatures, the amp
will turn itself back on and illuminate the left-most green LED’s.
figure 3: P70-400 Front Panel
Figure 4: Operation in Two Channel Mode