
Operating Manual -MX-508 Stereo Microphone/Line Mixer
7.2 Installation of Input Transformers
The MX-508 is designed to accept optional plug-
in input isolation transformers with a minimum of tools
and no soldering. Instructions for installation are included
with the kit when you purchase an Ashly MX-508 ITC-
Kit (no. 40A5902)
8.1 No Sound
Check the AC power. Is the power switch on and
illuminated? Check the level meters. If they are operat-
ing, either the problem is between the mixer and the later
components in the system, or else the Output Mute
switches are pressed. If there is no meter activity, check
to see you really have an input signal and that it is on the
desired channel, or check to see that the meter select switch
is set to Left/Right. Check that you have the master gain
controls at the desired operating level.
8.2 Distorted Sound
Something is being overdriven in the signal path.
If the clip indicators are active, reduce the channel gain
controls and/or press in the pad switch on the rear panel.
If the level meters are constantly in the red, reduce the
Master gain and increase the gain of components follow-
ing the mixer. There are many gain adjustments in the
mixer itself and probably several others in other system
components which makes it possible to overdrive an in-
put section and then incorrectly try to reduce the gain of
the output section. The best way to approach setting gains
is to establish the operating level of input stages first by
setting their gain as high as possible but leaving about
20dB of headroom for loud peaks, then move on to set the
master gain to produce a good meter reading. Proceed to
set the gain of equalizers, limiters, crossovers, and ampli-
fiers following the mixer in the same manner, always work-
ing toward the later stages of the system.
8.3 Excessive Noise
If the noise is in the form of hiss, the problem is
usually due to an input stage set up for low gain and then
compensating by increasing the master gain. Check that
the Pad switch is not enabled unnecessarily. Turn up the
channel gain controls and reduce the master gain.
8.4 Excessive hum
This is usually caused by "ground loops" in the
system wiring. A complex sound system with many
sources separated by significant distance and using sev-
eral power outlets has many opportunities for this prob-
lem to occur. If possible, feed everything in the system
from one power source with a common ground. Use bal-
anced input and output connections between widely sepa-
rated components.
If you need help, get in touch with your Ashly
dealer or call an Ashly technical service representative at
1-800-828-6308 ext. 125.
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