User Guide

Affiliates & Referals 261
AShop Software © Copyright 2002 - 2010
We like to <a href="">Go here</a>.
Customers see "We like to Go here."
When the mouse is passed over the link, the complete URL appears in the browser status bar.
%affiliatecloaklink% inserts the URL to the affiliate.php script on your site and adds each affiliates' ID
parameter. It also adds link cloaking code, which prevents the actual URL from being displayed in the
browser status bar. This token must be placed within the HTML code in a different way so that it can
create the hyperlink opening tag in the correct place.
Example: You enter this text and HTML into the affiliate link code generator.
We like to %affiliatecloaklink% Go here</a>.
Affiliate number 2 sees the following link code when logged into his or her affiliate panel.
We like to <a href="" onClick="'http://www.', 'PGM', 'scrollbars=yes, toolbar=yes, status=yes,
menubar=yes location=yes resizable=yes'); return false;"> Go here</a>.
Customers see "We like to Go here."
When the mouse is passed over the link, only the URL from the beginning of the <a> tag appears in the
browser status bar.
Read more about how affiliate links work in Configuration > Affiliate Program.
5.10 Website Replication
The website replication feature is a powerful marketing tool that automatically creates personal version of
your sales pages or even your entire shopping cart. To use this feature you will first have to prepare your
web pages for replication:
Create a subdirectory of your AShop on the server. For example, if your AShop is located in the
public_html directory on your website you could add a new subdirectory called "salesletter" inside the
public_html directory. If your AShop is located one step further down, for example in public_html/
shop, you would put the new subdirectory inside that directory instead, for example: public_html/
Add a .htaccess file in your new subdirectory, if you are on a Linux/Unix server, or use the URL
Rewrite module if you are on a Windows server. The .htaccess should contain the following lines:
Options +FollowSymLinks
Options +Indexes
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/?([^/]+)?/?$ ../view.php?$1&salesletter/$2 [NC,L]
Where "salesletter" should be replaced with the actual name of your subdirectory. The URL Rewrite
modul has a tool to import this code, but you do not need to add any .htaccess file if you are on a
Windows server, unless it runs Apache as its web server software.
Add placeholder codes to your pages, which will be replaced with the affiliate's own information when
a visitor views the pages through the affiliate's link. Each code is a HTML comment tag with a
corresponding end code. You can place default content between the start code and end code. For
<!-- AShop_affiliate_firstname -->Firstname<!-- /AShop_affiliate_firstname -->
Which would be seen as just "Firstname" on the page by a visitor, unless the visitor arrived through an