User Guide

AShop V User Guide48
AShop Software © Copyright 2002 - 2010
2.20 Subscription Password Expiration
AShop V supports the sales of subscription access to password protected members only directories
and provides a simple method to remove expired passwords from the list.
To remove expired passwords manually...
1. Open checksubscr.php in a text editor.
2. Change the $ashoppath variable to the full server path where the subscription directory is located.
Example: $ashoppath = '/home/username/public_html/protecteddirectory';
3. Upload/replace the checksubscr.php file
4. Make this script executable: chmod 755 checksubscr.php.
5. Run the checksubscr.php script from a browser when you wish to remove expired passwords.
Note: When PA+ (Password Administrator Plus) is installed on the same server as AShop and the path
to PA+ is set within the third party software integration, each subscription directory can optionally be
managed after the initial order by using the more advanced features of PA+.
2.21 Visit Counter
Unique visitors to the catalog are counted by the counter.php script. It works automatically with the
dynamic catalog pages because catalogue.php calls counter.php each time that it is run.
When using Order-Links exclusively, the catalogue.php script is never called. In order to count visitors to
HTML web pages, a small line of code must be inserted into the head of each page and the server must
be configured to run PHP from within HTML files.
Here is the visit counter code that goes into the head of each page.
<? php include "counter.php"; ?>
Change the relative path to counter.php accordingly.
For instance, if the web page is in the public root and AShop is installed in the ashop subdirectory the
code would look like this:
<? php include "ashop/counter.php"; ?>
If the page is down one directory from the counter script, it would be like this.
<? php include "../counter.php"; ?>
There are two ways to configure the server to run PHP from within HTML pages.
Method A.
Edit the configuration file for the web server (example is for apache) and add:
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml .php4 .php3 .html .htm
Method B.
Edit the directory configuration file (.htaccess for apache) and add: