User Guide

AShop V User Guide52
AShop Software © Copyright 2002 - 2010
Extra Form Fields (only available for payment gateways that use the AShop Secure orderform script)
Deliver Before Payment enable/disable
Test Mode enable/disable
Automatic Delivery enable/disable
Payment Gateway Description
Text On Order Page
Thank You Message
Add New Fulfilment Options
Three Options, add as many as you like of each
Email Order Notices To Fulfilment Services CD Fulfilment Service
Automation Fulfilment Method
Manage Storewide shipping options for FedEx, UPS, and custom methods.
Allow/Disallow Customer Selection of Shipping Service Options.
Add/Remove Local Country or Countries (used to determine local or international handling charge)
Ship Only Locally Option
Add Local Handling Charge (one-time per order charge if shipping to country of origin)
Add International Handling Charge (one-time per order charge if not shipping to country of origin)
Manage Zip Tables (used only if custom zip-zone lookup and zone rates have been setup for shipping)
Manage Shipping Options (for instance express shipping charges)
Manage Shipping Discounts (quantity based)
Sales Tax Type - US, VAT, GST/PST
Taxable State Or Province (US/Canada)
EU/VAT Origin Country Setting
Sales Tax, VAT, GST Percentage
PST Percentage
Request Vat Number from Customer Option
Sales Tax On Shipping Option
2.23.3 Shop Parameters
From the AShop Administration main menu, click Configuration on the left side menu. This will open the
Configure AShop menu. Click on the "Shop Parameters" link.