User Guide

AShop V User Guide8
AShop Software © Copyright 2002 - 2010
1 About AShop
1.1 About AShop
AShop - PHP Shopping Cart and Order Management
version 5
Developed by Andreas Rimheden and Rob Harris
Copyright © 2002-2010 – All Rights Reserved Worldwide
AShop Software
Use of AShop software is subject to a software license agreement.
Included in this documentation are instructions for installation, setup, and usage of the AShop shopping
cart with Sales Office order management section.
1.2 Overview Of AShop
AShop is a shopping cart program, which can be used in a variety of different ways to
manage and sell products and services over the Internet. AShop includes a system of tools and
resources to organize and automate online sales.
AShop can be used to sell many different types of products and services:
· Tangible Products
· Downloadable Products
· Subscriptions for Password Access to Protected Directories
· Key codes
· "Swoopo"-style Auctions
· Wholesale
Click here for a Tour of AShop.
The shopping cart is pre-integrated with software for most popular payment methods.
Click here for a list of supported payment services.
AShop is a commercial software product, which is licensed per domain.
We offer several ways to try before you buy.
Get Trial Key and Download Files.
Install AShop.
AShop is a multi-user sales and order management system
The Sales Office shares data with the AShop shopping cart and provides a work space where sales
people can login to manage messages, orders, vendors, purchase orders, order tracking, and vendor
bills. Like the shopping cart, the Sales Office is a server based system and data can be easily accessed
from multiple locations simultaneously using Internet browsers.