User's Manual

#289 Bisheng Road, Building-8, 3F,
Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong,
Shanghai 201 204. China
TEL: +86 21-51688806
FAX: +86 21-33932400
3) Scroll to Delete, press L.KEY, scroll to the desired contact, and press L.KEY twice to delete the contact to
the group.
6.6.3 Rename a Group
1) Select Menu Contacts Groups, scroll to the group you want to rename, press L.KEY,
2) Scroll to group name, press L.KEY, edit the group, press L.KEY twice to rename the group.
6.6.4 Set a Ring tone to a Group
1) Select Menu Contacts Groups, scroll to the group you want to rename, press L.KEY,
2) Scroll to 2, press L.KEY, set a ring tone to the group, press L.KEY to set the new ring tone.
7 Messages
You could compose a new message, view the inbox and outbox, perform SMS setting, voice mail and broadcast
In idle mode, you can enter Messages in either of the following two methods:
1) Press L.KEY and then select Messages;
2) Press SMS key directly.
7.1 Send a Message
You could send a message to one recipient or multiple recipients.
1) In Messages, press Write Message and L.KEY to compose a new message,
2) Input the text, press L.KEY twice to finish inputting the text,
3) You can choose Send Only to send to one recipient without saving, or Save and Send to send to one
recipient with saving the message to Sent Messages, or Save to save the message to Sent Messages
without sending out, or Send to Many to send multiple recipients, or Send by Group to send to all the
group members.
7.2 Receive a Message
1) If there is a new message, the phone will ring alert. In idle mode, press L.KEY to read the message,
2) Or you could read the new message in the Inbox. Press SMS Key, scroll to Inbox, press L.KEY, scroll to
the message you want to read.
3) Then press L.KEY you can
a) Reply: reply to the message
b) Delete: delete the message
c) Edit: edit in the message and then save or send
d) Forward: forward the message to other recipient(s)
e) Erase All: erase all message in the Inbox
f) Use Number: get all numbers in the message includes the sender’s number. You can dial directly, or
Send SMS directly, or save the number to phone book.
7.3 View Sent Messages
1) In Messages, scroll to Sent Messages and press L.KEY to view the outbox
2) Scroll to the message you want to read, press L.KEY to Send, Edit, Delete, Erase All, and Use