User's Manual

#289 Bisheng Road, Building-8, 3F,
Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Pudong,
Shanghai – 201 204. China
TEL: +86 21-51688806
FAX: +86 21-33932400
7.4 Send a Message by using Templates
1) In Messages, scroll to Templates, press L.KEY to enter template menu,
2) There are 10 template messages in Templates menu, you could edit the template or delete the template,
3) Scroll to the template message you want to use, then press L.KEY, scroll to Edit or Write Message,
press L.KEY, modify the message and then send out.
7.5 Message Settings
You can set SC Address (Message Center Number), Valid Period, Message Type, Delivery Report, Reply Path,
Preferred Storage in Message Settings, also you could read messages’ memory status in Message Settings.
7.6 Voice Message and Broadcast Message
Please contact your local operator to set the voice message and broadcast message.
8 Recent Calls
You can find Missed, Dialed, Received, Erase Lists, and Call Duration in Recent Calls menu.
In idle mode, press L.KEY and then select Recent Calls.
8.1 Missed
1) Select Missed Calls in Recent Calls menu,
2) The Missed Calls List will be displayed; you could scroll to the desired number,
3) Press L.KEY to: View the call information; Delete the call log, Save the Number to Phone Book,
Dial, Edit this number, and Send SMS to this number.
8.2 Dialed
1) Select Dialed Calls in Recent Calls menu, or press SELECT key in idle mode,
2) The Dialed Calls List will be displayed; you could scroll to the desired number,
3) Press L.KEY to: View the call information; Delete the call log, Save the Number to Phone Book,
Dial, Edit this number, and Send SMS to this number.
8.3 Received
1) Select Received Calls in Recent Calls menu,
2) The Received Calls List will be displayed; you could scroll to the desired number,
3) Press L.KEY to: View the call information; Delete the call log, Save the Number to Phone Book,
Dial, Edit this number, and Send SMS to this number.
8.4 Erase Lists
Select Erase Lists in Recent Calls menu, you could scroll the cursor to erase Missed, Dialed, Received
8.5 Call Duration
Select Call Duration in Recent Calls menu, you could scroll the cursor to view duration of Last call Time,
Total Dialed, Total Received, scroll to Erase All to erase all duration.
9 Settings
9.1 Set Time and Date
1) Select Display in Settings, select Time and Date in Display,
2) Scroll to Set Time/Date, press L.KEY, and scroll to 1 to set time, scroll to 2 to set date.
3) If you want to change the format of time and date, select Display in Settings, select Time and Date in
Display, then scroll to Set Format, press L.KEY. Scroll to 1 and press L.KEY to set time format, 12hr