User's Guide

Graduating From Using Bounce
Cradlewise is
minimalist in its
approach to soothing
Cradlewise is minimalist in its approach to soothing. It mimics
what you would have done as a parent. When the baby stirs,
Cradlewise starts bouncing at a low intensity and increases the
bounce as needed. When the baby is soothed back to sleep, the
bounce automatically stops.
As your child grows and starts demonstrating self-soothing
cues, you can gradually begin to reduce the sensitivity of your
smart crib, so it takes longer for the bouncing motion to kick in.
You and your baby are the best judges for timing this transition.
Reducing sensitivity is akin to taking the training wheels o a
bike. By dialing it down gradually, you are teaching your child
to self-soothe. But you always have the comfort of adjusting
the sensitivity setting for those tough times when they’ve had a
vaccination or are going through a sleep regression. Gradually,
your child will learn to self-soothe without the need for motion
at all.
It can take up to a month to complete this process. Once your
little one is ready, toggle on the “disable bounce completely”
option within App Settings.