User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Select Macro Destinations
When Hydrasynth is on the Home page
the Control knobs and Control buttons are
capable of the simultaneous manipulation
of up to eight parameters each. The module
buttons make it easy to set these up.
First the Hydrasynth must be on the Macro
Assign page, where the module buttons
become shortcuts to select the parameters
you want to control. This is signicantly
faster than scrolling through all of the other
modules to reach the one you want.
Everything you need to know about setting up
Macros is in the chapter Mastering the Macros
Copy / Paste settings
Some modules are identical, and their
parameter values can be copied from
one module to another. For example, you
can copy the settings from Oscillator 1 to
Oscillator 2, or vice versa, because their data is
Some modules have unique features and
capabilities and their data is not interchange-
able. For example: you can’t copy the settings
from Oscillator 3 to Oscillator 1 because their
parameters are very dierent.
Copy / paste procedure
The process of copying the settings between
compatible modules is simple:
• Press and hold the Save button: All
modules that are potential copy sources
are lit
• Select the copy source: Only potential
paste destinations remain lit
• Select the paste destination. The process
will execute and all buttons will become
unlit, indicating success.
Heres a real-life example: Let’s say you want to
copy the settings from Envelope 1 to Envelope
2, and then make some slight adjustments so
Envelope 2 comes in more slowly and fades
out sooner. Its easy: Hold [SAVE], press [ENV1],
and then press [ENV2]. Release the Save
button and youre ready to edit Envelope 2.
Modules that will
When the Save button is held some of the
Module buttons are lit. These are the ones
that can be copied and pasted. There are
limitations, of course; the parameters of an
Oscillator cannot be pasted to one of the
Filters, for example. Here’s a table that shows
the possible combinations.
Modules Copy/Paste is possible
Oscillators Oscillators 1 and 2
Mutants Mutants 1, 2, 3, or 4
Envelopes Envelopes 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
LFOs LFOs 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Modules that won’t
When the Save button is held some of the
Module buttons are not lit. These have unique
parameters and can not be copied and pasted.
Modules Copy/Paste NOT possible...
Oscillators Oscillator 3, Ring-Noise
Filters Filter 1, Filter 2
Eects Pre-FX, Delay, Reverb, Post-FX
Others Mixer, Amp