User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Preset Macro Name List
These are the preset Macro names found on Macro Edit page 4. You can also create your own
Macro names; see Name the Macro (p.70).
Macro name Macro name Macro name Macro name Macro name
2nd Crystal Harmony Phrase Stretch
3rd Cuto Hurt Pitch Sub
4th CV 1 Itch Pressure Swing
5th CV 2 Jianbing PulsWdth Teardown
6th Darken Level Purr Thicken
7th Decay LFO Amt PWM Thin
Air Delay Mai Tai Range Time
Amp Depth Major Ratchet TimeDiv
ArpMode Distort MakeHuge Rate Twist
Attack Dry/Wet Mangle Ratio Velocity
Bacon Env Amt Massage Release Vowel
Bark EQ - Hi MIDI CC Reso Warp
BassDrop EQ - Low Minor Reverb Wavescan
Beef EQ - Mid Mod 1 RingMod WavStack
Bend Fast Mod 2 Rotary Width
Bite Feedback Mod Amt Rumble Wobble
Bleed Filter Morph Scratch Woof
Breath Flanger Noise Slow Wow
Brighten FM Oct - Snarl -
Buildup Force Oct + Space -
Chance Funk Oh Speed -
Chord GateTime Ouch Spin -
Chorus Glide Overdriv Spread -
Compres Go Pan Stank -
Crunch Harmonic Phase Stop -