User's Manual

AsokaUSA PlugLAN
3050 Users Manual V1.01a
Asoka USA Corporation Tel: +1 650 286 1700
2344-A Walsh Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 USA Fax: +1 650 286 1790
Figure6. System Password
z Input old user id in the first text box
z Input new user id in the second text box (input old user id means keep user id
without change )
z Input current password in the third text box
z Input new password in the fourth text box
z Re-input new password in the fifth text box
z Click button ‘Apply’ begin set new user id or password, then a new page will
show the result of the setting
3.2.4 System Logs
To view the system logs and set some parameters of logs, click submenu
“SYSTEM->System Logs”, a page as Figure 7 will display.