Use and Care Manual

Aspen Flooring Company Ph: 888-605-0625
Aspen Flooring High Durability Finish
Care and Maintenance Guidelines
Non‐Dry Heating Season (Wet): An air conditioner or dehumidifier or periodically turning on your heating
system can maintain humidity during the summer months. Avoid excessive exposure to water during
periods of
inclement weather. Always keep your HVAC system on to a maximum of 80% F and a
minimum of 60% F, even when not occupying the home for any extended time period, such as
during vacations.
For the first year, rearrange area rugs and furniture periodically so the floor can age evenly. UV sunlight will
lighten or darken the tone of different species of hardwood to varying degrees.
Keep pet nails trimmed to help minimize scratching of the finish.
When moving heavy furniture or appliances, first put down a sheet of quarter inch plywood or Masonite (never
cardboard) to protect the floor and help prevent denting.
Ensure that any covering materials cannot
move or chaff the flooring surface.
Never try to slide or roll heavy objects across the floor
to avoid
denting, bruising or scratching.
Minor damage can be easily repaired with finishing putty/fill sticks, and stain markers, available in blending
colors from
It is recommended that you retain several planks, even a full carton or two, for possible future use if
any plank
replacements need to be made.