User's Manual

Table Of Contents
ASSA ABLOY Hospitality
66 3081 004-23
1.1 ZigBee standard
The online option is based on the ZigBee standard, a standard for transmission of
data via radio. The ZigBee devices have low power consumption and the standard is
aimed at control applications with relatively low data rate. Below are some basic facts
for the standard:
based on IEEE 802.15.4 (Open ISM 2.4GHz band; ISM = industrial, scientific
and medical)
16 channels spread spectrum (DSSS, Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum)
250kbit/s (~2kbit/s @ 1% duty-cycle)
consists of a virtually unlimited number of small networks (PANs, personal area
1.2 Server
The server is the manager of the whole network for a property. It can manage a
virtually unlimited number of gateways. All commands sent from the server are
1.3 Gateway
The gateways connect to the server via TCP/IP and automatically adjusts to
10 or 100 Mbit/s networks. The gateway starts by retrieving an IP address via
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and then automatically finds the server.
Note: The DHCP protocol is specified according to the standard RFC 2131.
Note: A ping is sent to each gateway once an hour. The statistics is evaluated once
a day. An alarm is triggered if more than one per cent of the pings fail. The statistics
is shown in the System Settings report in the client.
If DHCP has previously been turned off manually, it can be enabled again by clicking
the Set button in the Online Network dialog of SysMon (System Monitor) and
choosing Turn on DHCP in gateway. See section 1.10 for more information
about SysMon.
Figure 2