User's Manual

DRAFT 66 8003 002-11
3.4 To set up a thermostat profile
All thermostats that are mounted in the premises must be set up in the Thermostats
list of the VISIONLINE software. Each thermostat must also belong to a thermostat
profile, e.g. a template with certain thermostat parameters. The thermostat profiles
are set up in the Thermostat profiles list in VISIONLINE. When a t hermostat is first
set up, it must be init ialized with the t hermost at profile parameters via t he Initialize
alternative in Orion Servic e;seeQuic k referenc e guide Orion Servic e for details.
If one or more parameters of a thermostat profile are at a later occasion
updated, these new parameters are automatically sent to all concerned online
thermostats. If the thermostats are not online, they are updated via the Initialize
alternative in Orion Servic e.
If nothing else is stated, the parameters are applic able for Orion Thermostat-
Zen-HV as well as for Orion Thermostat-Original-LV.
1. Double c lic k on Thermostat profiles in t he VISIONLINE navigation window.
2. Click Add t o add a new thermostat profile, or mark an existing profile and
c lic k Properties.
3. Go through the different alternatives in the left pane of the Thermostat
profile details dialog; see details in section 3.4.1-3.4.7.
4. When all settings have been made, click Save and Close (or Update and
Close if an existing profile was modified).
3.4.1 General
Enter Name and, if desired, Description.
Figure 40
3.4.2 HVAC
Choose t he applic able Model;
'High voltage' for Orion Thermostat-Zen-HV
and 'Low voltage' for Orion Thermostat-
Original-LV. For further det ails, see below.
High volt age
Low voltage
Figure 41