User's Manual

ACG HF Multi ISO RFID Reader V1.0
ACG Identification Technologies GmbH 13
3.2 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
AID Application ID
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ATR Answer to Reset
ATS Answer to Select
AFI Application Family Identifier
block For the mifare
Standard one block contains 16 bytes
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CID Card Identifier (logical card address, ISO 14443-4)
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
DES Data Encryption Standard, for more details about DES
refer to [3].
DSFID Data storage format identifier
EDC Error Detection Code
EGT Extra Guard Time
EOF End of Frame
ETU Elementary time unit
Hex / xxh Value in Hexadecimal notation
I-block Information block
KTT Key Transfer Transponder
LSB Least Significant Bit or Byte
MSB Most Significant Bit or Byte
NAD Node Address (ISO 14443-4)
OSI Open System Interconnection
OTP One time programmable
PCB Protocol Control Byte (ISO 14443-4)
PCON Protocol Configuration byte of the reader
PPS Protocol and Parameter Selection
RATS Request for Answer to Select
R-block Receive ready block
REQA Request ISO Type A
REQB Request ISO Type B
RFU Reserved for Future Use