User's Manual

ACG HF Multi ISO RFID Reader V1.0
ACG Identification Technologies GmbH 47
12.3.1 EEPROM memory organization
Register Description
00h … 04h Unique device ID; read only
05h … 09h Administrative data; read only
0Ah Station ID
0Bh Protocol configuration
0Ch Baud rate
0Dh Command Guard Time
0Eh Operation Mode
0Fh Single shot time-out value
10h Internal use / Do not change
11h Internal use / Do not change
12h Internal use / Do not change
13h Protocol configuration 2
14h Reset Off Time
15h Reset Recovery Time
16h Application Family Identifier
17h ISO 14443A Selection Time-out
18h ISO 14443B Selection Time-out
19h SR176 Selection Time-out
1Ah ISO 15693 Selection Time-out
1Bh Protocol configuration 3
1Ch Page Start
1Dh Internal use / Do not change
1Eh Internal use / Do not change
1Fh Page number
20h - 7Fh RFU
80h … EFh User data
Figure 12-4: EEPROM memory
12.3.2 Unique device ID (00h – 04h)
The unique device ID identifies a reader module. It is factory programmed and
cannot be changed.